Prism Young - Tier 3

By Justin Salmon (46936762) on 07-Jul-2021

Play this Deck on
Prism Young
Justin Salmon
$198.16 on TCGPlayer Buy
1st Place
11% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 3
1x Nullrune Boots
1x Nullrune Gloves
1x Nullrune Hood
1x Nullrune Robe
1x Vestige of Sol
1x Luminaris
1x Halo of Illumination
1x Phantasmal Footsteps
1x Dream Weavers
1x Ironhide Helm
1x Ironhide Plate
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
2x Pummel
1x Sink Below
2x Herald of Triumph
2x Phantasmaclasm
2x Pummel
2x Sink Below
2x Celestial Cataclysm
2x Genesis
2x Herald of Erudition
2x Herald of Judgment
2x Herald of Protection
2x Herald of Triumph
2x Merciful Retribution
1x Ode to Wrath
2x Soul Shield
2x Tome of Divinity
2x Energy Potion
2x Herald of Protection
2x Herald of Rebirth
2x Herald of Triumph
2x Wartune Herald
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