Chane Young - Tier 3

By Wilson To (63866397) on 19-Jun-2021

Play this Deck on
Chane Young
Wilson To
$802 on TCGPlayer Buy
1st Place
29% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 3
1x Snapdragon Scalers
1x Arcanite Skullcap
1x Grasp of the Arknight
1x Nullrune Boots
1x Nullrune Gloves
1x Nullrune Robe
1x Nebula Blade Banned
1x Aether Ironweave
1x Carrion Husk
1x Galaxxi Black
1x Ebon Fold
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
2x Razor Reflex
2x Command and Conquer
2x Meat and Greet
2x Bounding Demigon
2x Ghostly Visit
1x Piercing Shadow Vise
2x Rift Bind
1x Rip Through Reality
2x Seeds of Agony Banned
2x Shadow Puppetry
1x Soul Reaping
2x Unhallowed Rites
1x Vexing Malice
2x Art of War
1x Dimenxxional Crossroads
1x Dimenxxional Gateway
1x Seeds of Agony Banned
1x Eye of Ophidia
2x Mauvrion Skies
1x Arcanic Crackle
1x Dimenxxional Gateway
1x Invert Existence
1x Rift Bind
2x Seeds of Agony Banned
2x Shadow of Ursur
1x Unhallowed Rites
1x Vexing Malice
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