Bravo Young - Tier 3

By Thomas Yarbrough (92515135) on 13-Nov-2021

Play this Deck on
Bravo Young
Thomas Yarbrough
$201.75 on TCGPlayer Buy
Thomas Yarbrough Bravo Deck Skirmish Dice Addiction 13.11.21
2nd Place
20% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 3
1x Ironrot Legs
1x Tectonic Plating
1x Arcanite Skullcap
1x Nullrune Boots
1x Nullrune Gloves
1x Nullrune Hood
1x Nullrune Robe
1x Anothos
1x Crater Fist
1x Rampart of the Ram's Head
1x Titan's Fist
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
2x Blessing of Deliverance
2x Crippling Crush
2x Pummel
2x Sigil of Solace
2x Spinal Crush
2x Zealous Belting
1x Disable
1x Remembrance
2x Blessing of Deliverance
2x Buckling Blow
2x Cranial Crush
2x Debilitate
2x Disable
2x Show Time!
2x Staunch Response
2x Unmovable
2x Chokeslam
2x Crush the Weak
2x Stamp Authority
2x Rouse the Ancients
2x Tear Asunder
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