Kano Young - Tier 1

By Don Gallitz (87437849) on 03-Apr-2022

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Kano Young
Don Gallitz
$692.68 on TCGPlayer Buy
Huzzah Hobbies
1st Place
67% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 1
1x Arcanite Skullcap
1x Storm Striders
1x Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1x Metacarpus Node
1x Ragamuffin's Hat
1x Crucible of Aetherweave
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
2x Aether Flare
2x Aether Spindle
1x Blazing Aether
2x Forked Lightning
2x Stir the Aetherwinds Banned
2x Tome of Aetherwind
2x Snapback Banned
1x Nourishing Emptiness
2x Aether Wildfire
1x Emeritus Scolding
2x Tome of Fyendal
2x Lesson in Lava
2x Sonic Boom
2x Energy Potion
2x Aether Flare
2x Aether Spindle
1x Eye of Ophidia
1x Scalding Rain
2x Voltic Bolt
2x Gaze the Ages
2x Snapback Banned
1x Scour
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