Iyslander - Tier 2

By Phillip Hadley McKay on 11-Sep-2022

Play this Deck on talishar.net
Phillip Hadley McKay
$365.37 on TCGPlayer Buy
Nationals: Australia
8th Place
16% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 2
1x Goliath Gauntlet
1x Storm Striders
1x Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1x Metacarpus Node
1x Coronet Peak
1x Waning Moon
1x Alluvion Constellas
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
1x Nourishing Emptiness
3x Encase
3x Freezing Point
3x Aether Icevein
3x Polar Cap
3x Isenhowl Weathervane
3x Aether Icevein
3x Isenhowl Weathervane
3x Amulet of Ice Banned
3x Blizzard
3x Channel Lake Frigid
3x Polar Blast
3x Winter's Bite
3x Ice Eternal
3x Brain Freeze
3x Icebind
3x Frost Hex
3x Aether Hail
3x Frosting
3x Ice Bolt
3x Hypothermia Banned
3x Insidious Chill
3x Arctic Incarceration
3x Cold Snap
3x Rewind
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