Dromai - Tier 3

By Marcel Harz on 27-May-2023

Play this Deck on talishar.net
Marcel Harz
$490.02 on TCGPlayer Buy
Road to Nationals: Cardtrader24, Lage, Germany
8th Place
8% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 3
1x Snapdragon Scalers
1x Storm of Sandikai
1x Flamescale Furnace
1x Ghostly Touch
1x Crown of Providence
1x Seeker's Mitts
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
3x Enlightened Strike
3x Sink Below
3x Snatch
3x Command and Conquer
3x Fate Foreseen
3x Ravenous Rabble
3x Miraging Metamorph
3x Burn Them All
1x Invoke Tomeltai
3x Invoke Azvolai
3x Invoke Cromai
3x Invoke Kyloria
3x Invoke Miragai
3x Invoke Nekria
2x Invoke Ouvia
3x Invoke Yendurai
3x Billowing Mirage
3x Dustup
3x Sweeping Blow
3x Rake the Embers
3x Blaze Headlong
2x Oasis Respite
2x Remembrance
1x Timesnap Potion
3x Passing Mirage
3x Billowing Mirage
3x Embermaw Cenipai
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