Lexi - Tier 2

By Arjun Garg on 28-Oct-2023

This hero reached the Living Legend status. It is no longer legal to play this hero in a competitive format.
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Arjun Garg
$342.35 on TCGPlayer Buy
ProQuest : 401 Kollectibles, US
4th Place
12% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 2
1x Snapdragon Scalers
1x Nullrune Gloves
1x Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1x Perch Grapplers
1x New Horizon
1x Voltaire, Strike Twice
1x Hornet's Sting
1x Trench of Sunken Treasure
1x Quiver of Rustling Leaves
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
3x Endless Arrow
1x Hamstring Shot
3x Searing Shot
3x Three of a Kind
3x Remorseless
1x Ice Quake
1x Lightning Press
3x Battering Bolt
2x Arctic Incarceration
3x Heat Seeker
3x Drill Shot
3x Falcon Wing
3x Infecting Shot
2x Withering Shot
2x Down and Dirty
2x Premeditate
3x Rain Razors
2x Tarpit Trap
3x Codex of Frailty
2x Codex of Inertia
3x Searing Shot
3x Winter's Bite
1x Fatigue Shot
1x Cold Snap
2x Drill Shot
3x Infecting Shot
1x Sedation Shot
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